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ComUnidade (a play with words in Portuguese: community [comunidade]; with [com]; unity [unidade]) is a social innovation initiative developed by the Portuguese Council for Refugees (CPR) to promote, develop and support refugee community sponsorship (PCR) programs in Portugal. 

ComUnidade was born from the Vitality & Engagement - Developing Communities project, co-financed by the European Union Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) and coordinated by Amnesty International Ireland, which aims to support the implementation of sponsorship schemes with a view to replicating sustainable programs in the partner countries - Portugal and Ireland - as well as in the other Member States of the European Union.

Our goals are:

  • Provide quality information, guidance, support, training and capacity building to potential and new members and sponsors

  • Facilitate national and transnational interactions ensuring mutual learning and knowledge transfers, encouraging a holistic approach by the whole society

  • Support community sponsorship schemes, guiding and supporting implementation processes

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